From 20o aquarius to 3o20’ pisces sign is ruled by Saturn and Jupiter and star is governed by Jupiter
Parts of the body : ankles , feet , toes
Poorvabhadrapada raises up our spiritual aspiration in life and takes us out of the domain of selfish behavior. This is a transformational nakshatra where they will sacrifice themselves for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world.
Indications :
This is a transformational nakshatra where they will sacrifice themselves for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world. There is a passionate nature, a bit extreme and indulgent. The symbol of the man with two faces can refer to looking to the past and the future possibly at the time of death, or can mean someone who has a dark side they conceal from the world, or just two faced. Fearful, nervous, and angry they can be very cynical. Their lives sometimes are filled with sadness and problems. They must be careful of accidents and injuries. They are radicals and non-conformist, who have excellent speaking abilities to sway the masses, regardless of the consequences